Birdwatch Archive

Birdwatch Note Rating

2024-02-10 00:32:44 UTC - HELPFUL

Rated by Participant: F3E6ED0B5A5E158816274CEA463B017D9EB4940EDE4CF5AF9A11A7F386D0323D
Participant Details

Original Note:

This 2hr interview cannot possibly be reviewed and corrected to offer valid CN for each discussion made. This post doesn’t need a CN.

All Note Details

Original Tweet

All Information

  • noteId - 1755762878563357057
  • participantId -
  • raterParticipantId - F3E6ED0B5A5E158816274CEA463B017D9EB4940EDE4CF5AF9A11A7F386D0323D
  • createdAtMillis - 1707525164697
  • version - 2
  • agree - 0
  • disagree - 0
  • helpful - 0
  • notHelpful - 0
  • helpfulnessLevel - HELPFUL
  • helpfulOther - 1
  • helpfulInformative - 0
  • helpfulClear - 1
  • helpfulEmpathetic - 0
  • helpfulGoodSources - 0
  • helpfulUniqueContext - 0
  • helpfulAddressesClaim - 0
  • helpfulImportantContext - 1
  • helpfulUnbiasedLanguage - 0
  • notHelpfulOther - 0
  • notHelpfulIncorrect - 0
  • notHelpfulSourcesMissingOrUnreliable - 0
  • notHelpfulOpinionSpeculationOrBias - 0
  • notHelpfulMissingKeyPoints - 0
  • notHelpfulOutdated - 0
  • notHelpfulHardToUnderstand - 0
  • notHelpfulArgumentativeOrBiased - 0
  • notHelpfulOffTopic - 0
  • notHelpfulSpamHarassmentOrAbuse - 0
  • notHelpfulIrrelevantSources - 0
  • notHelpfulOpinionSpeculation - 0
  • notHelpfulNoteNotNeeded - 0
  • ratingsId - 1755762878563357057F3E6ED0B5A5E158816274CEA463B017D9EB4940EDE4CF5AF9A11A7F386D0323D