Birdwatch Archive

API Access

I am working on setting up basic functionality to retrieve information from the Birdwatch Archive database programatically. By making requests to the API endpoints, you can retrieve data in a standardized JSON format. Please see below for details on the current available functionality.

Basic Details

No authentication is required to use these endpoints. Please don't DDOS my server, though. I have implemented basic rate-limiting, and the server will return an HTTP 429 - Too Many Requests response if you are overloading it. If you write scripts to interact with the site, please be sure to configure them to handle this response code.

Technical Details


Retrieve a list of all Birdwatch Notes by making a GET request to

    "id": 1391040186075713500,
    "noteId": 1391040186075713500,
    "createdAtMillis": 1620484799293,
    "tweetId": 1390855971833012200,
    "believable": "BELIEVABLE_BY_MANY",
    "harmful": "CONSIDERABLE_HARM",
    "validationDifficulty": "EASY",
    "misleadingOther": 0,
    "misleadingFactualError": 1,
    "misleadingManipulatedMedia": 0,
    "misleadingOutdatedInformation": 0,
    "misleadingMissingImportantContext": 1,
    "misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact": 1,
    "misleadingSatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingOther": 0,
    "notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect": 0,
    "notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten": 0,
    "notMisleadingClearlySatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingPersonalOpinion": 0,
    "trustworthySources": 1,
    "summary": "This is a lie that has been proven wrong again and again."
    "id": 1404416342950924300,
    "noteId": 1404416342950924300,
    "createdAtMillis": 1623673923608,
    "tweetId": 1403723194117275600,
    "believable": "BELIEVABLE_BY_MANY",
    "harmful": "CONSIDERABLE_HARM",
    "validationDifficulty": "EASY",
    "misleadingOther": 0,
    "misleadingFactualError": 1,
    "misleadingManipulatedMedia": 0,
    "misleadingOutdatedInformation": 0,
    "misleadingMissingImportantContext": 1,
    "misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact": 1,
    "misleadingSatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingOther": 0,
    "notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect": 0,
    "notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten": 0,
    "notMisleadingClearlySatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingPersonalOpinion": 0,
    "trustworthySources": 1,
    "summary": "This statement has multiple pieces of misinformation."

The notes listing is paginated, and will display only 50 notes per page. Request different pages by passing a ?page parameter. For example:

Specific note details

To retrieve information about a specific note, include the note ID in the URL. For example:

  "id": 1597379851526279200,
  "noteId": 1597379851526279200,
  "createdAtMillis": 1669680009143,
  "tweetId": 1592127966372315100,
  "believable": null,
  "harmful": null,
  "validationDifficulty": null,
  "misleadingOther": 0,
  "misleadingFactualError": 1,
  "misleadingManipulatedMedia": 0,
  "misleadingOutdatedInformation": 0,
  "misleadingMissingImportantContext": 1,
  "misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact": 0,
  "misleadingSatire": 0,
  "notMisleadingOther": 0,
  "notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect": 0,
  "notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten": 0,
  "notMisleadingClearlySatire": 0,
  "notMisleadingPersonalOpinion": 0,
  "trustworthySources": 1,
  "summary": "The risk of myocarditis is more than seven times higher from COVID-19 than the vaccine.    The side effects of the vaccines have always been listed on the CDC website, including myocarditis."

Search by Tweet ID

If you know a specific Tweet ID (perhaps you have your own data set of tweets that you are hoping to cross-reference with Birdwatch), you can retrieve a list of all Birdwatch notes which match that specific Tweet by making a GET request to

For example, will return:

    "id": 1537142913737429000,
    "noteId": 1537142913737429000,
    "createdAtMillis": 1655318404027,
    "tweetId": 1377030478167937000,
    "believable": "BELIEVABLE_BY_MANY",
    "harmful": "CONSIDERABLE_HARM",
    "validationDifficulty": "EASY",
    "misleadingOther": 0,
    "misleadingFactualError": 1,
    "misleadingManipulatedMedia": 0,
    "misleadingOutdatedInformation": 0,
    "misleadingMissingImportantContext": 1,
    "misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact": 1,
    "misleadingSatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingOther": 0,
    "notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect": 0,
    "notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten": 0,
    "notMisleadingClearlySatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingPersonalOpinion": 0,
    "trustworthySources": 1,
    "summary": "Forbes has a good rundown of the investigation and the Washington Post has a fuller picture of where the investigation is headed.     Gaetz seems to be deliberately misleading his readers about the timeline of any investigation with this tweet.  "
    "id": 1377061482198827000,
    "noteId": 1377061482198827000,
    "createdAtMillis": 1617152016578,
    "tweetId": 1377030478167937000,
    "believable": "BELIEVABLE_BY_MANY",
    "harmful": "CONSIDERABLE_HARM",
    "validationDifficulty": "EASY",
    "misleadingOther": 0,
    "misleadingFactualError": 0,
    "misleadingManipulatedMedia": 0,
    "misleadingOutdatedInformation": 0,
    "misleadingMissingImportantContext": 1,
    "misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact": 1,
    "misleadingSatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingOther": 0,
    "notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect": 0,
    "notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten": 0,
    "notMisleadingClearlySatire": 0,
    "notMisleadingPersonalOpinion": 0,
    "trustworthySources": 1,
    "summary": "The DOJ started this investigation under former President Trump and former Attorney General Bill Barr which means it was --   -- not weeks ago, it was months   -- it is not an organized crime group it was the DOJ   -- this is part of a larger investigation "