Birdwatch Note
2024-08-04 20:43:16 UTC - NOT_MISLEADING
The ABC debate terms Trump agreed to didn't specify candidate names. As ABC stated, candidates needed at least 15% support in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters to qualify for the debate.
Written by 44F2BAD525B644C5B2BDA1D96A68A1C73D8DD6D94C5E35762921C2928AE80712
Participant Details
Original Tweet
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All Information
- ID - 1820198842484342916
- noteId - 1820198842484342916
- participantId -
- noteAuthorParticipantId - 44F2BAD525B644C5B2BDA1D96A68A1C73D8DD6D94C5E35762921C2928AE80712 Participant Details
- createdAtMillis - 1722804196365
- tweetId - 1819781580426207567
- classification - NOT_MISLEADING
- believable -
- harmful -
- validationDifficulty -
- misleadingOther - 0
- misleadingFactualError - 0
- misleadingManipulatedMedia - 0
- misleadingOutdatedInformation - 0
- misleadingMissingImportantContext - 0
- misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact - 0
- misleadingSatire - 0
- notMisleadingOther - 0
- notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect - 1
- notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten - 0
- notMisleadingClearlySatire - 0
- notMisleadingPersonalOpinion - 0
- trustworthySources - 1
- summary
- The ABC debate terms Trump agreed to didn't specify candidate names. As ABC stated, candidates needed at least 15% support in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters to qualify for the debate.
Note Ratings
rated at | rated by | |
2024-08-05 08:44:21 -0500 | Rating Details | |
2024-09-15 21:46:01 -0500 | Rating Details |