Birdwatch Note
6 der 9 genannten Orte liegen nicht in Neukölln, für nicht informierte Leser kann so der Eindruck entstehen, dass Neukölln krimineller sei als es in Wahrheit ist
Written by 10C13EAB151AB4C36E1060E0373C1FBD112914394B98BBA29BBD4B2947CBCECE
Participant Details
Original Tweet
Tweet embedding is no longer reliably available, due to the platform's instability (in terms of both technology and policy). If the Tweet still exists, you can view it here:
Please note, though, that you may need to have your own Twitter account to access that page. I am currently exploring options for archiving Tweet data in a post-API context.
All Information
- ID - 1741451399332802994
- noteId - 1741451399332802994
- participantId -
- noteAuthorParticipantId - 10C13EAB151AB4C36E1060E0373C1FBD112914394B98BBA29BBD4B2947CBCECE Participant Details
- createdAtMillis - 1704029342857
- tweetId - 1741096924449554914
- believable -
- harmful -
- validationDifficulty -
- misleadingOther - 0
- misleadingFactualError - 0
- misleadingManipulatedMedia - 0
- misleadingOutdatedInformation - 0
- misleadingMissingImportantContext - 1
- misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact - 0
- misleadingSatire - 0
- notMisleadingOther - 0
- notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect - 0
- notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten - 0
- notMisleadingClearlySatire - 0
- notMisleadingPersonalOpinion - 0
- trustworthySources - 1
- summary
- 6 der 9 genannten Orte liegen nicht in Neukölln, für nicht informierte Leser kann so der Eindruck entstehen, dass Neukölln krimineller sei als es in Wahrheit ist
Note Status History
createdAt | timestampMillisOfFirstNonNMRStatus | firstNonNMRStatus | timestampMillisOfCurrentStatus | currentStatus | timestampMillisOfLatestNonNMRStatus | mostRecentNonNMRStatus | participantId |
2023-12-31 13:29:02 UTC (1704029342857) |
2023-12-31 15:09:39 UTC (1704035379625) |
CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL | 2024-01-01 01:58:29 UTC (1704074309478) |
CURRENTLY_RATED_HELPFUL | 2023-12-31 15:09:39 UTC (1704035379625) |
Note Ratings
rated at | rated by | |
2023-12-31 07:57:04 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-31 07:40:22 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-31 07:33:57 -0600 | Rating Details |