Birdwatch Note
2023-12-08 17:59:00 UTC - NOT_MISLEADING
NNN Unemployment numbers are a gauge of economic health, but they are only one factor. They are also weighted towards distortion of our current situation with double counting and non-participation in the labor force.
Written by 6163940F5EAC16784E4E66FFDE6EDA573AD64413C39956F0D94D1C05493A1E80
Participant Details
Original Tweet
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All Information
- ID - 1733184416279564787
- noteId - 1733184416279564787
- participantId -
- noteAuthorParticipantId - 6163940F5EAC16784E4E66FFDE6EDA573AD64413C39956F0D94D1C05493A1E80 Participant Details
- createdAtMillis - 1702058340507
- tweetId - 1733122391063097704
- classification - NOT_MISLEADING
- believable -
- harmful -
- validationDifficulty -
- misleadingOther - 0
- misleadingFactualError - 0
- misleadingManipulatedMedia - 0
- misleadingOutdatedInformation - 0
- misleadingMissingImportantContext - 0
- misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact - 0
- misleadingSatire - 0
- notMisleadingOther - 1
- notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect - 0
- notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten - 0
- notMisleadingClearlySatire - 0
- notMisleadingPersonalOpinion - 1
- trustworthySources - 1
- summary
- NNN Unemployment numbers are a gauge of economic health, but they are only one factor. They are also weighted towards distortion of our current situation with double counting and non-participation in the labor force.
Note Status History
createdAt | timestampMillisOfFirstNonNMRStatus | firstNonNMRStatus | timestampMillisOfCurrentStatus | currentStatus | timestampMillisOfLatestNonNMRStatus | mostRecentNonNMRStatus | participantId |
2023-12-08 17:59:00 UTC (1702058340507) |
2023-12-08 22:19:50 UTC (1702073990764) |
CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL | 2023-12-09 03:24:29 UTC (1702092269635) |
CURRENTLY_RATED_NOT_HELPFUL | 2023-12-08 22:19:50 UTC (1702073990764) |
Note Ratings
rated at | rated by | |
2023-12-08 13:29:17 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-08 13:17:39 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-08 12:22:23 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-09 08:46:35 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-08 23:56:50 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-08 23:32:23 -0600 | Rating Details | |
2023-12-08 19:47:23 -0600 | Rating Details |