Birdwatch Note
2023-11-18 06:26:43 UTC - NOT_MISLEADING
Sources do not support note. It is false, and dangerous, to suggest that pregnant women can be vaccinated with MMR. Per one of the sources: "due to the theoretical teratogenic risk of the live-attenuated rubella vaccine, it is recommended not to vaccinate during pregnancy"
Written by 3736C4160A90575C14FFA59184B4AB7CF89F6098463218CEB87A594419E1D146
Participant Details
Original Tweet
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All Information
- ID - 1725762440900858283
- noteId - 1725762440900858283
- participantId -
- noteAuthorParticipantId - 3736C4160A90575C14FFA59184B4AB7CF89F6098463218CEB87A594419E1D146 Participant Details
- createdAtMillis - 1700288803683
- tweetId - 1725248598152036752
- classification - NOT_MISLEADING
- believable -
- harmful -
- validationDifficulty -
- misleadingOther - 0
- misleadingFactualError - 0
- misleadingManipulatedMedia - 0
- misleadingOutdatedInformation - 0
- misleadingMissingImportantContext - 0
- misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact - 0
- misleadingSatire - 0
- notMisleadingOther - 0
- notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect - 1
- notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten - 0
- notMisleadingClearlySatire - 0
- notMisleadingPersonalOpinion - 0
- trustworthySources - 1
- summary
- Sources do not support note. It is false, and dangerous, to suggest that pregnant women can be vaccinated with MMR. Per one of the sources: "due to the theoretical teratogenic risk of the live-attenuated rubella vaccine, it is recommended not to vaccinate during pregnancy"
Note Status History
createdAt | timestampMillisOfFirstNonNMRStatus | firstNonNMRStatus | timestampMillisOfCurrentStatus | currentStatus | timestampMillisOfLatestNonNMRStatus | mostRecentNonNMRStatus | participantId |
2023-11-18 06:26:43 UTC (1700288803683) |
1969-12-31 23:59:59 UTC (-1) |
2023-11-19 02:38:53 UTC (1700361533597) |
NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 UTC (-1) |