Birdwatch Note
Avec iOS 17.1, les capteurs de proximité désactivent les actions lampe torche et caméra par défaut pour éviter les déclenchements involontaires. Il n'y a pas besoin d'appuyer "plus longtemps" sur le bouton d'action.
Written by 2193A3934CD03D513EF87B7FB3ABCDF0B7FA84AC0292DFFED992D6EC231DF4FF
Participant Details
Original Tweet
Tweet embedding is no longer reliably available, due to the platform's instability (in terms of both technology and policy). If the Tweet still exists, you can view it here:
Please note, though, that you may need to have your own Twitter account to access that page. I am currently exploring options for archiving Tweet data in a post-API context.
All Information
- ID - 1712036114788241547
- noteId - 1712036114788241547
- participantId -
- noteAuthorParticipantId - 2193A3934CD03D513EF87B7FB3ABCDF0B7FA84AC0292DFFED992D6EC231DF4FF Participant Details
- createdAtMillis - 1697016192513
- tweetId - 1711823347808387190
- believable -
- harmful -
- validationDifficulty -
- misleadingOther - 0
- misleadingFactualError - 1
- misleadingManipulatedMedia - 0
- misleadingOutdatedInformation - 1
- misleadingMissingImportantContext - 0
- misleadingUnverifiedClaimAsFact - 1
- misleadingSatire - 0
- notMisleadingOther - 0
- notMisleadingFactuallyCorrect - 0
- notMisleadingOutdatedButNotWhenWritten - 0
- notMisleadingClearlySatire - 0
- notMisleadingPersonalOpinion - 0
- trustworthySources - 1
- summary
- Avec iOS 17.1, les capteurs de proximité désactivent les actions lampe torche et caméra par défaut pour éviter les déclenchements involontaires. Il n'y a pas besoin d'appuyer "plus longtemps" sur le bouton d'action.
Note Status History
createdAt | timestampMillisOfFirstNonNMRStatus | firstNonNMRStatus | timestampMillisOfCurrentStatus | currentStatus | timestampMillisOfLatestNonNMRStatus | mostRecentNonNMRStatus | participantId |
2023-10-11 09:23:12 UTC (1697016192513) |
1969-12-31 23:59:59 UTC (-1) |
2023-10-12 04:03:32 UTC (1697083412198) |
NEEDS_MORE_RATINGS | 1969-12-31 23:59:59 UTC (-1) |
Note Ratings
rated at | rated by | |
2023-10-11 06:31:06 -0500 | Rating Details |